14 Apr Quick Financial Media Update 4/14/2023
Quick and timely financial media updates for beleaguered financial PR people.
Brian Sozzi, the executive editor of Yahoo! Finance, is the guest interview at Talking Biz News.
Brian: Yahoo! Finance has always been about pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in investing and business news. We may be known for being the largest business and finance platform on the internet by an extremely wide margin. We may also be well known for our ticker pages, stats and very helpful portfolio-building tools.
But at our core, we are creators here and are always testing, learning and doing it all over again in order to help build the wealth of our community. By that very nature you not only stay relevant, you stay at the leading edge of your field.
Why Bankers Need to Become PR Preppers
By Matt Doffing, Senior Editor at The Financial Brand
Even as talk of a banking crisis subsides in the media, the story opportunities never really go away. The Federal Reserve, inflation, unemployment, economic trends, and how all this impacts the banking industry, still pop up in the news daily. It’s a valuable public relations opportunity that bankers should not ignore. Here’s why bankers need to be preparing for the next PR doomsday by practicing proactive PR all the time, with expert advice on how to ensure your financial institution is ready to respond on every front.